

Zombies in Miami

We discussed the end of the world, or at least of everything familiar. It was no longer possible to talk about the paradigm shift and remain untouched. I was scared. You were complacent. Not surprised by that which rocked me. You were ahead of the curve and I was just I introduced to it, still ahead you said. What good would all of my training in cultural critique do in a fight for survival? What good is studying culture when it is ours which is running us into the ground? "That's not your culture. It is the McDonalds culture running us into the ground." The artists and the street musicians will be vital you say. I am still scared.


Collage EMDA

If you thought I could make a collage without an image of a pug you clearly don't know me well enough. 


Posters EMDA 5/19/12

My first posters for EMDA, simple, but it had to be black and white so I could print it to use as an advertisement for a program. Simple but efficient.


Hanley and Me

Rebeca and I, the next generation at SOU. Wanabe art moguls and all around hooligans. It has been so fun to have a peer of equal age, ideas, goals and enthusiasm. She is bright and driven. Totally silly and genuinely kind. 
At the CCACA 2012 conference a few weeks ago I engaged in a real young art community. It was so fun to show work within such a wide spectrum and see ourselves toward the top. To talk to other new artists about their work, answer challenging questions about your own. My undergrad fan girl status regarding the other artists in our show turned to reciprocal respect and friendship as the weekend progressed. It felt young and grown up and professional and fun all together. 


Enhance Yourself

One of the weirdest assignments. "Enhance yourself". Brings out every petty insecurity and every 2nd wave feminist "I should know better, I am woman hear me roar blah blah blah". Ultimately I feel both, but the process was very unnerving. Just two hours of work and I got an editorial style version of myself; fuller lips, higher brow bone, different shaped eyes, even complexion. I resolve to never buy a beauty magazine again. I feel tired. I don't even want to address "social standards of beauty", it's a lecture we have all attended. But here it is again. Do I love myself more? Do I feel I should change? No, I just covet photoshop all the more.