

Without Gorilla Is There Hope for Me?

Sitting in Biology class the morning after I finished reading Ishmael and Mother Culture is buzzing loudly. Discussing genetically modified food, professor poses the opening for ethical questions. A student immediately says "But there are undeniable positives- we are feeding so many, in this population we can't afford not to genetically modify our food."

But we aren't feeding everyone.

Growth in food, growth in population. Of course there is a direct correlation.
But now it is monopolized.

"Soon you voting citizens will have to decide whether we can modify genes to balance out a gender ratio; to balance out the number of daughters and sons."

And my blood boils.

The frontier of gender is already so obstructed. It is not a choice for society to make. There are people who are neither daughters nor sons. What about those individuals who are daughters and sons? To ask a population to dictate how many cookie cutter boys and girls they want born that year is not only an enormous, unnecessary undertaking, but ethically cruel.


Meat Couch

It was a simple challenge: step one- lie to the public, step two- wait to be challenged; little did I know I would commit hours to reupholstering a couch as well. “Oh yes I hand dyed all of the fabric with fresh meat”. An elaborate story was told about being elbow deep in a blood soaked bathtub, scrunching and sloshing cloth around to get the right grungy look. Despite the uncanny pink color and lack of odor no one took me for a liar.
            It was because as the artist in the gallery I had the upper hand- the control. No one wanted to question my methods for fear of insulting me, going against their friends or looking uneducated. It is not the norm to question art right? It is made by “gifted individuals” to be admired by envious crowds. “I wish I had some sort of artistic talent.” I hear far too often when really the question should be “Why haven’t I though about it like this before?”
This was only a college campus gallery setting among peers. Imagine the power this monolithic idea has when backed by billions of dollars in advertising and image building. It is this unwillingness to question. The Milgram Experiment (1963) presents only an assumption of authority- no real consequence existed for participants.
Recently a discussion came about where I was challenged: that this obedience is fading fast and that people are quickly waking up. I argued that no, we like to think we are waking up- it makes us feel better, and secondly, no, look at the meat couch. A simple question: What is this material? If an audience is not willing to question an unassuming peer about a detail so trivial- why should they question the patterns that they have been living out for generations? 


Don't Overthink It

Good art doesn't have to be hard to do.
   -Dr. Greer Markle!!

Tony Orrico
I have found that I admire work that speaks to genuine, invested endeavors. So simple then, why don't I incorporate that in my own work? This year's goal.


Mission Possible

It's been done.
Two weddings: one morning, one evening, two days in a row.
Meeting the boyfriend's entire family
One outfit: to be charming and young and modest
Budget: Thrifty

Dress: Anthropologie, on sale

Clutch: Banana Republic, on sale

Shoes: ModCloth, on sale, one of two remaining pairs AND half a size too small. 
Quite the gamble. 


Summer Shin Dig

    To be back and making my own decisions. Some kookier than others (floral thrifted pants) and some sensible and mature (cerulean silk blouse).
    Last night I was complimented by friends on the trials and tribulations I had overcome in the past year. They said I was graceful and strong. They spoke of my young relationship with high regards. I glowed. People who's opinions that really matter. I hadn't even thought of this year as being a difficult one (though 2011 could never be mentioned again and that would be just fine). As we recounted our accomplishments and passed stories and credits around the room our report grew more and more animated and ridiculous finally ending in exhaustion.
    I was struck by the types of things they noticed about me. It is always that "own voice on the answering machine" when you see yourself reflected back in the eyes of your friends. The gap between the ideal and real self. That gap grew smaller and smaller, what they said made me proud of myself.


Mission Impossible

5 months later we made it here, now it's time to meet the family
4 weeks to find the ultimate find
In 3 words it must be charming, chic, and on the budget
2 weddings, two days in a row
1 dress


Sadhu Book The First Run

This was my final project for EMDA, a book. These are just a few portraits from nearly 50 I took in Tamil Nadu, India. I will definitely keep expanding and hope to submit it next summer (or sooner) as a coffee table book. Girl's gotta pay for college right? 


Zombies in Miami

We discussed the end of the world, or at least of everything familiar. It was no longer possible to talk about the paradigm shift and remain untouched. I was scared. You were complacent. Not surprised by that which rocked me. You were ahead of the curve and I was just I introduced to it, still ahead you said. What good would all of my training in cultural critique do in a fight for survival? What good is studying culture when it is ours which is running us into the ground? "That's not your culture. It is the McDonalds culture running us into the ground." The artists and the street musicians will be vital you say. I am still scared.


Collage EMDA

If you thought I could make a collage without an image of a pug you clearly don't know me well enough. 


Posters EMDA 5/19/12

My first posters for EMDA, simple, but it had to be black and white so I could print it to use as an advertisement for a program. Simple but efficient.


Hanley and Me

Rebeca and I, the next generation at SOU. Wanabe art moguls and all around hooligans. It has been so fun to have a peer of equal age, ideas, goals and enthusiasm. She is bright and driven. Totally silly and genuinely kind. 
At the CCACA 2012 conference a few weeks ago I engaged in a real young art community. It was so fun to show work within such a wide spectrum and see ourselves toward the top. To talk to other new artists about their work, answer challenging questions about your own. My undergrad fan girl status regarding the other artists in our show turned to reciprocal respect and friendship as the weekend progressed. It felt young and grown up and professional and fun all together. 


Enhance Yourself

One of the weirdest assignments. "Enhance yourself". Brings out every petty insecurity and every 2nd wave feminist "I should know better, I am woman hear me roar blah blah blah". Ultimately I feel both, but the process was very unnerving. Just two hours of work and I got an editorial style version of myself; fuller lips, higher brow bone, different shaped eyes, even complexion. I resolve to never buy a beauty magazine again. I feel tired. I don't even want to address "social standards of beauty", it's a lecture we have all attended. But here it is again. Do I love myself more? Do I feel I should change? No, I just covet photoshop all the more. 


Infographic Mockinjay

    This pie chart was intended to critique the terrible writing from the untouchable Hunger Games, I used a pie chart specifically because I wanted to use the Mockingjay shape. The information was highlighted by the use of the Mockingjay emblem as the platform for the pie chart information. The font was based off of the title font for the book The Hunger Games. The dark grey background, yellow pin, and muted pie chart tones were also apparent in the book cover as well as thematic to the movie.
    The most challenging and least effective part was getting the opacity of the layers of the pie chart to be compatible enough to show distinctly different colors. The second most challenging part was putting up with the eye rolls from angry girls sitting behind me in lab wondering why I was critiquing their precious Hunger Games. Also as I uploaded it this morning I noticed that one pie slice is unlabeled.
    All together I think it is an excellent start. The colors and idea was well executed but the lack of distinction between the colors is not effective. The font type was also a decent match.



Infographics in EMDA class: working on it.
Painting exercises for painting class: working on it.
CCACA fundraising: working on it
CCACA project: haven't started
Student Art Show: almost done.
Painting for Student Art Show: working on it.
Potential photos for Student Art Show: uuuhhh.
Sleep: ha
Food: ...when was that?
End of term: It's only week two?!



Oregon is such a tease. It was snowing just two days ago and now we get spring? I have been in a clothing slump. I am sick of wearing layers and yet with this fickle sunshine I must. I hope it warms up soon. Following bloggers from around the nation can be frustrating that way. Yeah yeah California and Georgia stop flaunting. 

These little keepers I found thrifting, they are so 90s it hurts. Therefore I couldn't pass them up, obviously.


Type Project

I saw a poster today on campus advertising for a concert- Elizabeth Lynch, soprano. I went to the concert and it was fabulous, however the poster was terrible composed. There was a busy background, purple on purple rounded argyle. The font was very decorative and layered white drop shadows with black lettering. Her photo was beautiful but only took up about a fourth of the poster. If it were me I would make her photo the majority of the poster and add the text above and below in simple, clean lettering. 


I Guess I Have Orange in my Eyes

Kudos to my dad for being a trooper and taking these photos. 

A dinner party with one of my favorite family friends family. So cool, they are splitting up for spring break, mother and son going to New York and DC, father and daughter going to London. Absolutely cultured, present, charming and hilarious. Such a treat. And I got to dress up for the first time in awhile, despite my greasy-busy-bun I managed to rock some more formal looks. 

These boots (more images to come I assure you) are my newest choice find. They are scarlet inside! Thank you Nordstrom Rack.

     While I talked art and London life with these visiting folks my dad told me that he was very reassured and proud by my "passion in art". He said tonight was the first time he was shown that this wasn't just a fad. Seeing me communicate on an adult, academic level about museums in London, Damien Hirst, my budding passion for mob movies and Banksy, really showed him that (gasp of novelty) I am serious about my pursuit of art. One point for art students everywhere. 


As You Wish

Meet Wesley, our new friend. He is a 35 pound miniature pot-bellied pig. He is leash trained, potty trained and responds to his own name. He is more obedient than our dog. He was previously owned by a family friend and needs more yard time, and we are happy to have him. Scratch his belly, he'll lay down. 


Among the Rain

   The week has been trying- exams, installations and work. Among the balance I see you and I am lucky.  Standing in the rain waiting for the police, I touch your hand and admire your calmness. My father commented that you were attentive and sweet toward me, and even in company I feel you closely. When your face is next to mine and I feel your cheeks swell with a smile my heart melts. Thank you for listening. Sneaky quiet kisses.
  It is cold, we are getting rained on, lights are flashing and voices are strained, we are safe but we are tired. All the same you are authoritative and kind an impossible combination.
  An arm around me, you know I leave because I am asked to and not because I want to. Tomorrow we will do nothing and love every moment.


Worth It?

The Economy of the Gift

Felix Gonzalez-Torres, a new favorite.
The amazing thing about art is it's unique ability to induce empathetic/ understanding spaces. In my "Art Theory and Criticism: Postmodern Perspectives in Art" course last term, I struggled. The title alone was daunting. Reading about pieces and theories about marginalization of race, women, and the queer community I just couldn't relate. One day I asked my professor, a man I deeply respect a simple and totally naive question: "I am not a gay man in contact with the AIDS crisis, how am I supposed to understand this work? The answer was Felix Gonzalez-Torres. 

Two Perfect Lovers

Two generic clocks are set side by side set to the exact same time to run on the same brand of batteries. Naturally one battery begins to slow and the clocks lose synchronization. Eventually they both slow, one before the other  until one stops completely and leaves the other ticking on. 
If that doesn't pull your heart strings I dunno your species. 

So this is the artist I decided to engage in dialogue with my final. He did a series of paper stacks and candy spills each questioning the idea of the economy of the gift as posed by Nicholas Bourriaud, granddaddy of Alter-Modernism. This idea investigates the dialogue and exchange between audience and work as the actual art piece and actually more important than the piece itself. I reproduced this piece on campus. 
"What asshole wasted this paper?"